- MBEC staff reviews and verifies the applicant's application information. A date stamp will be applied upon receipt of application. A checklist is completed to ensure that all necessary documents are included and that the basic requirements have been met. In the event that all information has not been submitted, including the application fee, the applicant will be notified by telephone or email. The applicant will have seven business days to address the application deficiencies. After seven days, the applicant will not be considered. The applicant may reapply after 180 days.
- After the credit check is processed and approved, the applicant will be called or emailed to schedule an interview with the Program Manager to review the application and business plan. An evaluation will be made to determine acceptance into the MBEC. The applicant may be referred to community agencies like the Small Business Development Center and SCORE if deficiencies or weaknesses are found within the business plan or financial statements and will either be denied or provisionally accepted until fixed.
(Refer to Provisional Acceptance)
During the evaluation phase the business will be assessed to determine the stage (start-up to stabilization) and see what level the business is on to determine how to track the business progress. No business will graduate from the program in less than a year. All Incubator tenants will be in the program for at least three to five years.
- Within twenty-one business days, the screened application will go through final evaluation. The Advisory board will vote on approval or denial of any provisional applications that are conditionally approved.
- The applicant may be notified by physical or electronic letter if they are accepted into the program once the decision has been made.